
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on 2017.

2017年 9月6日

4:43ap I woke up fully dressed about 5 minutes ago and realized that travelling really must have made me tired. 9hours at the Helsinki Airport,  9hours at the airplane,  3hours in Osaka Airport waiting a friend and then after about an hour and half we arrived to our apartment. Quick visit to the shop downstairs and then shower and some sleep. I would do it all again if that's how I will get here. I googled the time when sun rises here in Osaka. 5:34, so maybe I could go and see it at the nearby park I found yesterday. I have always wanted to do this. Walk slowly on these tiny streets without rush. To stop and take pictures of everything I find beatiful. I don't want to make it to sound like I'm overreacting, if I sound like that,  but I have never felt this way before. I feel like I want to cry from happiness all the time.  I don't want to scare everyone else though.  I must look really creepy especially on afternoon walking slowly in the dark. This place is so quie

Japanologian opinnoista Fria Kristliga Folkhögskolanissa Vaasassa! (only finnish this time)

 Heips! Nyt on taas se aika vuodesta kun syksy taas lähestyy ja jälleen kerran monelle on epävarmaa mistä jännästä sitä itsensä löytääkään. Uudet koulut alkaa, jotkut jatkaa samassa - myös minä ja joillekkin se on välivuoden paikka, ehkä jotain täysin muuta. Itselleni Vaasaan muutto tapahtui niin nopeasti, että vieläkin tulee toisinaan ihmeteltyä kuinka kaikki järjestyikään niin äkkiä. Onneksi se ei sentään ollut ensimmäinen muuttoni, sillä toissa keväänä oli niin paljon kaikenlaista muutakin härdelliä, että sain itkeä ja nauraa vuoron perään. Haluaisinkin tsempata nyt kaikkia niitä joilla on hankaluuksia - olivat ne sitten koulussa, kotona, tulevaisuushuolia tai jopa kaikkia sekaisin niin paljon, ettei millään enää jaksaisi - jatkakaa täysillä eteenpäin! Pyrkikää etsimään sitä omaa juttua, minkä eteen on valmis näkemään vaivaa. Se ei välttämättä ole helppoa, koska esimerkiksi omalla kohdallani kukaan ei osannut neuvoa minua suuntaan eikä toiseen ja etsin kaiken tiedon itse. Ja kyll

~204 Kanji later, the start of Japanese course 2

I said goodbye to 2016 in the back seat of a bus while writing a presentation essay and studying like my life depended on it. I traveled back to Vaasa during the New Year night to make sure I could study without any distractions and that's what I did and passed the test. Japanese 2 course has now been going on for a good while and now there is hardly anything that I already know from my previous studies so I have to study even harder than before or some bad things will happen. Wish me luck. ^Here I'm leaving for Hämeenlinna to visit my parents on Christmas Eve. My friends took the pictures. Me and my mom ended up leaving for Lappeenranlta the next day (25.12.) to visit relatives. I got to drive our new car - not really a new one but they got it as used not so long ago so for me it was a new one - that I had never even seen before all the way to Lappeenranta in the dark evening while listening music. We spent a few days there and came back home. Like I pro

About differences between Japanese and Western Families

Virtanen Essi  FKF Jap realia 1 2016.12.8 essay 2 3. Essay, A. Japanese family: How do Japanese families differ from Finnish/ Western/ (Your own country) families? Compare and discuss the roles of each family member and analyze the underlying reasons why Japanese families are the way they are. About differences between Japanese and Western Families I watched a video of Masaki -5 years old and her little sister Saiko -2 years old. They got a task where they had to successfully buy some groceries and return home all by themselves ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5k5XTZy0rA ). It’s surprising how well these Japanese kids behaved towards each other and towards other people they met even without their parents around. Masaki cried for his mom for a while but her sister Saiko almost took over the role of their mother by comforting her brother and making sure everything got done and taken care of. It is shocking how strongly these children already represented the behavin

For each day of the year there is a seasonal thing

Essi Virtanen FKF Jap realia 1 25.10.2016 essay 1 B.  Seasons in Japan: Define different seasons in Japan and discuss how the seasons relate to various aspects of Japanese life. For each day of the year there is a seasonal thing Over and over again, something begins and something ends. In Japan, the chancing of four seasons and beautiful colors of nature are full of celebrated symbolism that mean a lot in Japanese culture and play a huge role through different forms in Japanese everyday life. As Japan is a long collection of islands located mainly in temperate zone stretching out over thousands of kilometers, the climate varies considerably from the northern island of Hokkaido to the southern subtropical island of Okinawa.    During the winter the cold dry wind blows from Siberia towards the Sea of Japan and by meeting the warm air from the Pacific Ocean brings heavy snowing to the west coast of Japan. Spring is a season of cherry blossoms and new start. It also