
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2015.

Diy: Phone cover decoration

I tore apart an old phone cover case and gave it a new look today. It turned out pretty nice in my opinion. There are my favourite nailpolish and glitter glue used as a base. On top I put some stickers I managed to find at home. Simple, easy and it's unique.

Japanese inspired food

I feel like I have been extra inspired from japanese cooking lately. Trying new kind of recipes and studying about not-so-well-known-ingredients (at least here in my country;Finland) hasn't been a problem to me and that sure is a requirement to learn and do this properly. You will have to go through some trouble for sure when learning about something that you aren't familiar with. That much can be expected right?  I think it's usually worth it in the end and a lot of fun too. I really meant it when I mentioned 'studying'. I spent hours reading and watching videos about Asian and japanese food ^_^ Haha at first I was completely lost and everything looked so hard to make. Even finding the most basic ingredients was so difficult for me. I can remember myself searching bonito-flakes in the Asian styled market for ages without knowing what kind of product I was even looking for. The reason why I'm so interested in japanese food particularly I would say that

Going home

Ah, I'm sitting here in a bus. Almost two hours since I had to part ways with my friend and still five hours ahead. The back of this bus is all mine so I'm taking advantage of it and my belongings are all over the place. Sun is rising and it's making snow glow along with it. It's a pretty day and I'm going home. How long has it been since I travelled like this..? Dunno, long enough to make me forget it. I was so scared of this long time period I would have to spend sitting still but it wasn't that bad and seeing my

Hmm, diary time?

Eeeh ":D" Let's break the awkward silence here. I just feel like writing a tiny diary-kind-of update right now because I feel weird and this is a great opportunity to share it right? I'm writing this with my phone for the first time and it's very interesting. Let's see if this'll even be someting :D I just finished my high school last month and now I'm waiting for the graduating seremony to be next month. I don't get it, what is this "be free"-month doing between here? I have have time that's for sure but