
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2015.

Kamijo World Tour 2015

Oops! Hi there I went to see Kamijo's gig last week. Aaand I might not have words to describe these big feelings I have about the whole thing but _It was so amazing!_ Thank you Kamijo, thank you all who were there! I had so much fun. I'll never forget that evening. As you can see I bought a poster as a memory and now the prince can watch over everything. ...wait what!? Right after the gig the happiest and exhausted me with the poster scroll in the night of Helsinki. Meanwhile I have to study for my final exams and find a work for the time on summer vocation. Everything is completely stressing me out and I try not to complain about it too much since it won't help anyone but...I always end up complaining and causing more trouble. Ehheh. I'm such a hopeless person I know. Messing around and trying to write: