
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2012.


Manta Diana Donna Dina:3

First post

Hey there! I'm happy to see you were curious about my first post :) This blog is the first blog I ever made and the only one that's still going on.    Many things have changed since i started and the fact that I can see it now after all this time is just awesome. During my journey I have improved as a person and as a blogger of course. My first years as a starting blogger weren't glorious. I had few readers and continually on /off switching motivation for writing so it was really quiet here. The first post was written in finnish under a blog title "ChiisaiAmaiYume" and it can now be read down below. It's too nostalgic for me to delete that completely because look I'm still doing this and that's how I started.  Nowadays I know how hard it is to be a good blogger but I'll keep going forward<3 About the title/ no title: The reason for changing the name is simple, I have learned japanese language a little bit since I started and the old n